Wednesday, October 28, 2009


What lessons did you learn from the Industrialization Newspaper that you carry forward into the MSB project?
Cratique is something that i would take most from this project when going over some of the errors in class they were simple things that another draft or maybe another crituque could have easily fixed. This shows me that i need to step it up on my crutiquing process maybe good one more draft or multiple people to correct my draft before turning in a final. Also helping others when crituquing making sure i give them the best feedback to my ability.

Write a reflective piece in which you identify specific things, content, skills, or habits that you will address in MSB as a response to your experience with the newspaper project.

Since doing the newspaper project the main thing i learned that i can take on to my msb project is to be independt even when working on a group project. That anytime i am giving a assignement rather it be group work or team work that i need to apply myself effiecently and work my hardest.I also learned how to use my recourse during this project, My part aside from doing my artcile was to make the map. I didnt understand fully how to make that particular map so i asked my classmate to help me, that wasnt his part of the project and he did have to stop his part and help me but i learned that if you ask in a respectable and time consuming way than your classmates can help you.

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