Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Internship #8—Tuesday 1/19

Welcome to the second week of internship!

Choice B: What new appreciations (for who? of what?) have you gained through internship that you did not have before? How did you develop these appreciations?

Something that I have begin to appreciate at my internship is learning as a whole. The kids that I work with are very excited and focused when it comes to learning. The passion that they put into there work day is something that seems to get lost along as the kids get older. I overheard a 3rd grader say in front of my Kinders" Man I hate school, learning is no fun" and later on that day one of my kids repeated it " I hate school, learning is boring" when he use to be the most enthustastic one in class. I think that as we get older and we loose the importance of school we begin to teach the younger kids to grow up thinking the way that we do . I have definitely began to appreciate my education and cant wait to farther pursue it, hopefully encourage others to enjoy school, and appreciate there education also.

Internship #7:

Internship #7: Friday 1/15

Project description

Internship site: Sherman Elementary

Department: Kinder garden Teacher Assistant

Project Title:Level Changes

General Description: I will be Exploring the different levels of kids in my learning community.

Learning Objectives: To find a way to communicate and also separate the teaching levels of each individual student.

Organization/Company Objectives & Benefits:?

Mondays, Fridays :
9:30 am -9:50 I work with my lower students, playing games and going through worksheets.
1:20-1:50 pm I work with my higher students going over word list, playing games, almost the same as my low group just more advanced.
Tuesdays, Thursdays:
11:30 am -11:50 I do guided reading with my High students,
1:20- 1:50 I do guided reading with my low group.
I work with my high group for 20 Min's then my low group for 20 Min's
most of the day is spent with the morning class because they have a short day.

Academic Skills: Presenting skills, teaching skills, patience and team building skills.

Technical Skills: I will be putting all of my worksheets and lessons and data together in a book, or something that I found niftty that my mentor uses when she has to present at teacher meetings and other events similar she will also be helping me put it altogether.

Collaboration—Skills and Opportunities: I will be working closely with my mentor daily , she also gives me worksheets and planning books that she uses that I use so any questions I have I go straight to her. I also do shared reading and calendar every day so I take over the entire class so I can get a better feel as too control and teach a entire class.

Exhibition Plans:

Schedule & Time lines:
Friday I would have done two weeks of groups with my high kids and also my low kids, by Wednesday I will have most of my presentation complete and ready to exhibit.

Next, provide a summary of your week:

Internship week one has been a amazing experience, I absolutely love my internship work place and also my mentor has been very helpful, understanding and fun to be around. The only problem that I have had is forgetting to complete my blogs. I get so wrapped up helping and teaching the kids that my day goes by so fast, By the time I get home I am exhausted and covered with glue, crayons and paper that I fall asleep quickly. But so far my experience has been memorable, my daily coffee is greatly needed to go through my day patiently and successfully. Things between me and my mentor has been great, Friday morning when I arrived I found a card on my desk with a small note and a Starbucks card inside. I would call this moment the highlight of my week by far . This also completed my week and made me thrilled to continue on. Something that I had a challenge with was the copy machine. My mentor asked me to make 50 copies of the weekly homework but I didn't understand how to work it so, I asked some people who worked in the office closes to the work room, after going through about 3 people we finally figured out the machine didn't have staples and we got the machine fixed and going. This was something that went wrong but was also beneficial to my internship experience,I got a chance to interact with people around my work place.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Internship #6:

Internship #6: Thursday 1/14

Taking a break from projects for a moment...

Next week, you will need to interview your mentor or a particularly important coworker. In this mentor interview, you are intending to one or all of the following:

1. Learn about this person's life through their stories, experiences and the decisions they made along the way.

2. Begin to understand the path(s) that can lead to personal and professional "success."

3. Establish and deepen a professional and intellectual relationship.

Hopefully, from this experience, you might begin to have better, more or different ideas about your own life beyond high school.

In this blog post, write about what you would like to learn when you interview your mentor. Post the big ideas and main topics you want to discuss and why they are important to you.

Also, discuss when this could take place. Schedule a time and place with your mentor (or coworker) and post that info in your blog, if possible (you will need to know this by early next week). Locate and reserve a computer or other recording device to document this interview.

Somethings that I would like to learn about my mentor is just maybe some personal background info where did she go to college, what steps did she take before she realized that she was going to be a teacher, what things did she have to give up in order to be in the position that she is in. I would also want to know what are the perks of being a teacher and maybe what are the faults of being a teacher? Another thing that I would maybe like to bring up is how the rescission and cut backs have effected her life and maybe other teachers that shes is close too and maybe get some questions about that.

My mentor has prep on Thursday mornings for two hours so I plan on completing my interview during that time. I plan on recording our interview on a apple computer in garage band.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Internship Day 5

Project title: Level Changes.

Project description: I have a group of 3-4 students that are at a much lower level than the rest of the class, and  I have a group of 5-6 students that are at a much higher level than the rest of the class. I work with a morning class and a afternoon class so in total I have around 20 students that I work with per day.  My job is to make sure that my lower level students get something like a double dose of reading and comprehension and everything that we do in regular class Becca's they need extra help. My job with the higher students is to make sure they have work that is going to get there brains rolling so they can continue to reach a higher level. Sometimes they cant focus or there craving more attention than the rest of the students. 

Project schedule: Please post a schedule that is as detailed as you can make it, from today through the exhibition of your internship project.
Mondays, Fridays :
9:30 am -9:50 I work with my lower students, playing games and going through worksheets. 
1:20-1:50 pm  I work with my higher students going over word list, playing games, almost the same as my low group just more advanced.
Tuesdays, Thursdays: 
11:30 am -11:50 I do guided reading with my High students,
1:20- 1:50 I do guided reading with my low group. 
I work with my high group for 20 Min's then my low group for 20 Min's
most of the day is spent with the morning class because they have a short day.

Materials & Equipment needed:
*flash cards
*White boards

Project documentation: How will you keep track of your work? How will others know about it? What will you have to show when internship is over? Please note that some internship projects cannot be fully documented for legal reasons or because of organizational regulations (i.e., if you are working on an ongoing case at a law firm or working on a project that will receive a patent, etc.).

I have a Journal, a folder with all of the work that I do with the kids. I am also taking pictures so you can have something visual to look at.

Internship Day 4

Answer the following questions to help develop your project:

1. What academic skills could you use on the job?
My reading, math, and writing skills are defiantly something that I can use on the job. My internship is working with kids that are much younger than me, Which puts me at a academic advantage.

2. What forms of collaboration could you use in a project?
I don't exactly understand this question. So I'm confused on how to answer it.

3. What technical skills can you use at your internship?
There aren't a lot of technical skills that I can use. I can use more academic skills because of the type of internship I am interning at. 

4. What new things can you learn while working at your site?
I am starting to pick up on small Spanish words, That I can say when the kids and parents don't understand. Ex. book and back pack homework and teacher.  I am also learning how to contain students who have certain learning disabilities and also some who are too advanced to control them selves in a lower level working enviorment

5. How can you exhibit, showcase or otherwise share your work?
I have been keeping a folder, with all of the different books, worksheets, and activities that I work with the kids with. I have also been snapping pictures and my mentor has agreed to take some photos of me. Which would give me two different forms of evidence and visual examples for when I am talking. 

6. How can your work or your skills & abilities help your company or organization?
I think that my work skills will help my program maybe run a little smoother than it is normally ran. Since the budget cut backs there has been 2 kinder garden teachers laid off which adds more kids to the other classes than there normally use to handling. With me helping the kids can get a better advantage at getting there proper dose of knowledge  and it also helps my mentor get a better chance at working with the lower students that need the extra help. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Internship Day 3.

Projects should be coherent collections of work samples and/or work experiences that are relevant and meaningful to both you and your company.
Answer these questions to get started:

1. What skills would you like to develop at your site?
Teaching skills, patience and able to take control of any situation.

2. What interests do you have regarding the work done at your site?
I think that teaching and working with kinder garden students would be a good way to practiced all of the skills that I have listed above. If you can control and keep the interest of 4-6 5year old students than you can pretty much control and focus a full group of adults. I am also working with different learning leveled kids which would help me learn skills for when I have to deal with people in a work enviorment who aren't necessarily at the same speed as me.

3. What needs can you address (needs your mentor has, your company has, etc.) based on your skills and interests?

I am pretty good at doing a list of task in under the time I am giving, I am known to work pretty efficiently and well with taking charge and lending a helping hand.I can also help things run a little smoother in the class room. There are 25 kids in the class at one time and I noticed that sometimes my mentor gets overwhelm with questions and comments the students through at her. When I am there I am another person that they can talk to and use for comments etc.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Internship: Day two

I woke up later than normal, My mom showed me a alternate way to get to my internship. I arrived a few minutes early which gave me time to talk to my mentor about today's plan. Today is going to be a little different from my first day because it is a regular day. However it seems to e a fun exciting day filled with many fun activities. For lunch I have bought some leftovers from home, a bag of chips a soda and some fruit. Just as I aspected the day went well, I am enjoying my internship, the kids and also my mentor.
What have you actively done to start off on the right note?
I think that just being on time, I have even arrived some days earlier than my expected time that way we could prepare for the day ahead.

What have you actively done to create interesting opportunities for yourself?
I have opened up for conversations, when I am in a place that is somewhat out of my comfort zone I tend to stick to myself. In order to get the full effect of the work place and a better feel for my mentor I had to open myself up.

What have you actively done to advance the interests of your mentor and/or site?
I have met different staff members and I have been interacting with more than just my mentor while I am at my internship.

What can you do in the immediate future to improve yourself and your experience in the above areas?
I think being more always on test by myself than wait for her to tell me what she would like for me to do. I am always on task but I tend to finish my work early so I am left waiting for a new one.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blog 1: Internship first day.

Overall my first day of internship went well, I woke up later than usual which was lovely. The hardest part of my day was pretty much finding out what to wear, I didn't wanna be to much over dressed but i didn't wanna be under dressed either. I ate Jack and the Box for breakfast and was nice and full. Charley was there to make sure that everything went smoothly. I went to my mentors class room and we had a mini meeting about how the whole day was pretty much going to go. It was a minimum schedule so we had more kids than we would normally have in one day. each class was nice my favorite was the morning class. My job was to assist Maria and to help some of the students in class that didn't pick up things as well as some of the other students. I ate lunch in the teachers lounge, I didn't know what to expect so I brought my own lunch. Lunch is normally about 40Min's and I think I will spend it in the teachers lounge more often because it was extremely relaxing. School for them was over at 1:05 and once the kids left , Maria had prep so I helped her fix her book library organize label and fix the books. after that we chatted got to know each other a little better and we figured out a project that I could do for my presentation.
I am very happy with how my day went, but I was more than ready to leave when 3:00pm came.

Internship Day One:

My workspace is basically anywhere in the classroom, when I'm working with the kids I'm normally walking around, and when I'm doing separate work then i set back at Maria's desk and do my work there.

The photo to the left is a picture of the playground where the kids line up at in the morning. Alot of time is spent on the playground. they have a 15min recess and they have a 40 min lunch while and they get to play on the playground. something that struck me was that I got a chance to bong with the kids during playtime one girl actually took my hand to come and play hop scotch with you so it was something that was shocking to me.

Something that was interesting to me is the technology that the classroom had. My mentor had a projector, a portable mic that hung around her neck and sound systems through out the class room. They also had a set of 8 apple laptops that the kids would use four at a time.
It was interesting because they were so young but are learning how to use modern technology.

My job at my internship is to help the kids with any questions and concerns that they have.
I would walk around when they had work sheet time, I helped them fix any mistakes that they had. I also had a list of students that needed help with sounding out the letters in certain words so I went through a book
with them and made sure they new all of the words in the book.

The person to the left is my mentor, her name is Maria. Shes wearing the normal attire for teachers at my internship. She dresses a step up from the other staff from what I have seen but everything is pretty much casual.