Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Internship #8—Tuesday 1/19

Welcome to the second week of internship!

Choice B: What new appreciations (for who? of what?) have you gained through internship that you did not have before? How did you develop these appreciations?

Something that I have begin to appreciate at my internship is learning as a whole. The kids that I work with are very excited and focused when it comes to learning. The passion that they put into there work day is something that seems to get lost along as the kids get older. I overheard a 3rd grader say in front of my Kinders" Man I hate school, learning is no fun" and later on that day one of my kids repeated it " I hate school, learning is boring" when he use to be the most enthustastic one in class. I think that as we get older and we loose the importance of school we begin to teach the younger kids to grow up thinking the way that we do . I have definitely began to appreciate my education and cant wait to farther pursue it, hopefully encourage others to enjoy school, and appreciate there education also.

1 comment:

  1. You write detailed stories about your day, which is good. My only suggestion is that you should catch up on your blogs, since you seem to have stopped after a week. Also remember pictures!
    -Shanna (blog buddy)
