Friday, November 20, 2009

The Great Gatsby Essay

The Great Gatsby can be interpreted the criticism of the “American dream”. In this criticism, F. Scott uses a character to retell events to help explain the American dream to come with many rewards, yet consequences, and the lost of morals.

There were a few main characters that took part into the criticism of the American dream. Nick Caraway a young man from Minnesota Yale educated, and a war veteran in World War I. He goes to New York City to learn the bond business. Nick is a Honest, tolerant guy he also is inclined to reserve judgment, Nick can be seen as a confidant friend some one you can trust to tell your secrets to. In the book nick becomes best friends with title character Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is a wealthy young man living in a Gothic mansion in West Egg who throws large parties every Saturday night.

Gatsby was formally known as James Gatz who worked for a millionaire to achieve wealth. Gatsby meets Daisy in Louisville and fell in love with her. Daisy is a young woman who promised to wait for Jay Gatsby after they were aparted in war.Daisy ends up falling in love with a wealthy, and powerful man named Tom Buchanan. Tom was once a member of Nick’s social club at Yale. Tom can be over baring, sexist, racism and stubby. He also is presented to have Little to no morals at all. Tom has a mistress name Myrtle. Myrtle Wilson lives in the valley of ashes with husband George Wilson owner of a run down garage.

Daisy and Tom Buchanan have many of the rewards to living the American Dream. “there lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile jumping over sun dials and brick walks and burning gardens. This was said by nick in chapter one when explaining the Buchanan's. They had a beautiful house, right off the bay. With french windows and bright vines . “he brought down a string of polo ponies from lake forest”. This is showing many of the rewards and perks that there are when you live the “American dream”. Having riches such as Daisy and Tom Buchanan did, you are able to buy the the things you desire.

Al through material things are one of the rewards that you can get when you live the American dream. There are many consequences that come also. Gatsby was also a man who st rived for and lived the American dream. The material things that accompanied Gatsby by living the “American Dream” was not enough to win back Daisy. When Daisy found out that Gatsby got to where he was by being a bootlegger she began to loose interest in him. In the book it says that Gatsby became a bootlegger too keep up with Daisy’s fast paste life style. He wanted to be able to provide Daisy with the “American Dream”. At the end of the book Gatsby was shot when he was caught up in the drama that between Tom and Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle and George Wilson. This seems like one of the consequences of living the American dream lifestyle. You get caught up in things that you shouldn't’t and you have to deal with the consequences.

The characters in this novel substitute there morals with money and material things. Gatsby uses his wealth and material things to win over Daisy rather than the normal Love and happiness that most people with morals would turn to. F Scott shows the reader that Love cannot be bought, no matter how much money was spent. In the book Tom and Daisy were married for quite some years and even had a child, but they both cheated, Tom with Myrtle and Daisy with Gatsby.

Tom and Daisy both tried to find happiness with their lovers, but was scared of the risk of changing their lifestyles and came to a decision that it was not worth it, they thrown away there morals to search for happiness. They were not happy with their spouses but could not find happiness with their lovers. Happiness cannot be found or bought this was shown through Gatsby trying to win Daisy back. Tom and Daisy’s lost of morals begins to make them question others. Daisy begins to loose her love and respect for Gatsby when she found out he was a bootlegger. Tom was angry at daisy’s affair with Gatsby when him his self was committing the same crime. This was all corrupted by the fast paste of the American dream causing them to loose there morals.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

blog 23

1. Summarize the event.
California Seeks New Limits on Boat Pollution
The article was about California regulators asking for stricter rules on the pollution standards to limit emissions from personal watercraft and motorboats.

2. What is the most important info presented in the story?
That there are people out trying to fight for change with our watercraft. Another things is how hard it is to get our world to change something they've come accustomed to and also comfortable with.

3. What info is missing?
Nothing really but more follow up on what exactly there doing to press the issue farther.

4. How does this info play into your MSB work?
Since my essential question is what can we do to reduce it, the article helps me explain one way that we can. By getting the public and California leaders to understand how important this thing is to fix.

"Air-quality regulators in California have proposed rules that are tougher than Federal pollution standards to limit emissions from personal watercraft and motorboats.
The rules proposed by the state's Air Resources Board would force manufacturers to make cleaner engines for personal watercraft, like Jet Skis, and motorboats.
Bill Rush, a spokesman for Californians United to Save Boating, which represents recreational boat owners, criticized the proposed regulations, saying they would make boat engines too expensive and hurt the state's $11 billion boating and related industries. About 500,000 motorboats with outboard engines and personal watercraft ply the state's lakes and rivers."

Friday, November 13, 2009

Honors Blog 3

The 1920’s or better known as the “Roaring 20’s” ushered many new changes for Wall Street, immigration, new forms of music and technology.
After World War 1 Germany couldn't’t afford to pay its war debts so the United States became intertwined with Europe. Wall Street began to invest into European debts to keep the US economy together because of the large percentage of costumers marketing of American mass production goods.
Around the 1930’s the US began to share stocks with Germany, Brittan, France, and Canada, making a positive significant change to the United States stock market.

Immigration laws were also a significant change that took place during the 1920’s. The American Immigration Act of 1924" Immigration Act of 1924 was passed stopping immigration from countries where 2% of the total population per the 1890 of that countries population that were immigrants from another country.

This however did not include African Americans. Many Asians and Indians were stopped from immigrating altogether by the Alien Land Laws, California Webb-Haney Act in 1913 that prevented them from ineligible for citizenship or the right to own land in California. , This laws did not affect Filipinos, who were subjects of U.S. there were many other laws to keep the united states from being overpopulated by immigrants. Another law that was passed was the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923which stopped almost all immigration from Asia into the united states.

Jazz became the most popular music listen to during the 1920’s, the new genre somewhat connected blacks, whites the rich and the poor. The new genre was being played everywhere from clubs to street corners and radio stations throughout the country. Jazz was started in New Orleans, but was called "basement" music; it then spread and began to a take United States by storm. The 1920-1929 was known as the Jazz age.

During the roaring twenties parties was one of the more popular events that took place during the 1920’s. Jazz was the main genre that was being played at these parties live bands and musicians would come out and play. It was also a time where the rich could show off there riches let loose and have a good time. At this time alcohol was banned from owning or consuming many people become angry at the law and began to rebel against the government importing alcohol into the country and throwing parties where men and women could go and drink freely.

The alcohol was smuggled into America by people named bootleggers. They consumed their alcohol from places such as Mexico, Canada, and the West Indies. There was also substitute alcohol made from wood alcohol or medical supplies which was dangerous if taken too much of. Many people used bootlegging as a advantage business where they could become very rich.

Blog 22

Complete the following for the MSB Organization that you are in charge of and one other that interests you:
1. Name of organization:
Surf Rider.

2. Mission statement (copy/paste from their site).
Pick two of the following:
"The core activities and campaigns that the Surfrider Foundation uses to protect our oceans, waves and beaches fall into the categories of Clean Water, Beach Access, Beach Preservation and Protecting Special Places"

3b. An important interaction with a state government agency.
California State Assembly prevented an attempt to override the State Land Commission’s denial of the Tranquillon Oil & Gas Project off the coast of Santa Barbara. They stopped legislation added to the budget that would have allowed the project to move forward. The Assembly’s decision stresses the importance of California’s system of independent boards and commissions to take action, and also highlights the grassroots efforts of the Surfrider Foundation and other environmental organizations to prevent Governor Schwarzenegger from circumventing the State Lands Commission’s decision making process regarding the project.
(to continue click here

3c. An important interaction with a federal government agency.
Winning a lawsuit against Chevron Oil Company in El Segundo, California that represents the first time a government agency, department or office at any government level, has recognized the significance of a breaking wave as a natural resource deserving of protection

These interactions might be through court cases or law suits, funding sources, hearings, regulatory agencies (like the EPA) and so on. Please be as specific as possible. For each of the above, include relevant links to agencies, further research, news stories, etc.
Make sure you do this whole thing twice—once for your org and once for any other that interests you.
(to continue click here

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Great Gatsby: Blog 21

Gatsby and Nick are both somewhat detached from their surroundings. Compare and contrast this sense of detachment. How are they similar and/or different in this respect?

In the first few chapters we get to know nick as this non judgemental, honesty mid-west guy. He doesn't drink and he wants to get into the world of trading and buying bonds.
But throughout the first four chapters he is set in theses different settings that somewhat detaches him from his familiar surroundings. A few a examples are the Buchanan's house, it was huge and fancy and mind blowing to him because it was something he wasn't use to. Then it was Tom and Myrtle's apartment where they had the party and there drinking and smoking, and the Party at Gatsby's wheres there is drinking dancing, swimming. Nick drinks to fit in and try not to be so detached from his surroundings or at least let people see it.

Gatsby seems to be having the same problem. He throws theses huge party's every week, where there's drinking and mingling and dancing and all of the above. But he never participates in the action instead he sits back and watches. Approving his guest and turnout of the party. When Gatsby talks about his past on the way to the lunch in with Nick he describes a past that doesn't seem to connect with what is going on in his future. So maybe he has went through the same process that Nick is going through but got caught up deep in the middle of it, and is now something different from what he started as.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog #20

Now that you have finished Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby, respond to the following questions:
1. Who is the narrator? Describe his perspective, biases, character traits, etc.

The narrator is Nick Caraway.His perspective of things are really descriptive, and observant. He has some money but not as much as others in new york. Nick is from the the mid west and went to college at Yale.He fought in the great war, and wants to be a bonds seller. When he describes someone he makes sure to give great detail as to there personality and describe as to what they look like. He also gives you background information so you can make your own opinion about the character. He also makes sure that the reader understands that he is not a judgemental person so that you can trust him as he tells the story.

2. What do you think F. Scott Fiitzgerald accomplishes by chooses this specific narrator versus another choice, such as a different character or 3rd person?

I think that Scott Fiitzgerald chose to have another character tell us the story that way we can get a outsiders point of view. I also think that using another character to tell the story feels more as if i was there when everything is happening. It also seem easier for the story not to be byis if someone else is telling the story.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Post your inspiring professional example (put the actual work here, if you can. Try not to make us go look for it elsewhere, so for example, if you have a video, embed it).

1. What is the most successful element of this work sample? Why do you believe this?
The most successful element of this video is the translations and scene shots. This seems like the most successful because its what made the video stand out to me rather than other videos that I saw. The smooth and unique transitions also make it look very professional.

2. What is the message of the work? How do you know?
The message of the video was there was a new season of True Blood coming soon, and its going to have to do with all of the characters that were in the video. I also know what the characters would be feeling or experiencing throughout the next season because of there faces and reactions throughout the video. I know this because it says it at the end of the video.

3. Who or what is the intended audience for this work? How do you know?
For people who enjoy television, younger but mature audience. We know this because of how the actors were acting in the video and also the music that they were playing.

4. How do specific elements of the work sample come together to deliver the message?
The different angles that the creator used came together with the music and sound affects perfectly so we got a good listen or mixture as to what was going on.

5. Describe one technique the creator of this work used. Why do you think this technique was used for this specific piece of work?
The technique I think they used for this was background music. Throughout the video there is music going on and there are also sound effects happening. none of the characters talk through out the video so you pick up on there emotions through the different angling and facial expressions. This was good because it captures your audience leaving them wanting to know more.

6. Why did you choose this work sample?
Because it seemed very professional, and a good piece of work to take different techniques from. It was also very interesting and appeasing to me, and that's what I want my video to come out like.