Friday, November 13, 2009

Honors Blog 3

The 1920’s or better known as the “Roaring 20’s” ushered many new changes for Wall Street, immigration, new forms of music and technology.
After World War 1 Germany couldn't’t afford to pay its war debts so the United States became intertwined with Europe. Wall Street began to invest into European debts to keep the US economy together because of the large percentage of costumers marketing of American mass production goods.
Around the 1930’s the US began to share stocks with Germany, Brittan, France, and Canada, making a positive significant change to the United States stock market.

Immigration laws were also a significant change that took place during the 1920’s. The American Immigration Act of 1924" Immigration Act of 1924 was passed stopping immigration from countries where 2% of the total population per the 1890 of that countries population that were immigrants from another country.

This however did not include African Americans. Many Asians and Indians were stopped from immigrating altogether by the Alien Land Laws, California Webb-Haney Act in 1913 that prevented them from ineligible for citizenship or the right to own land in California. , This laws did not affect Filipinos, who were subjects of U.S. there were many other laws to keep the united states from being overpopulated by immigrants. Another law that was passed was the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923which stopped almost all immigration from Asia into the united states.

Jazz became the most popular music listen to during the 1920’s, the new genre somewhat connected blacks, whites the rich and the poor. The new genre was being played everywhere from clubs to street corners and radio stations throughout the country. Jazz was started in New Orleans, but was called "basement" music; it then spread and began to a take United States by storm. The 1920-1929 was known as the Jazz age.

During the roaring twenties parties was one of the more popular events that took place during the 1920’s. Jazz was the main genre that was being played at these parties live bands and musicians would come out and play. It was also a time where the rich could show off there riches let loose and have a good time. At this time alcohol was banned from owning or consuming many people become angry at the law and began to rebel against the government importing alcohol into the country and throwing parties where men and women could go and drink freely.

The alcohol was smuggled into America by people named bootleggers. They consumed their alcohol from places such as Mexico, Canada, and the West Indies. There was also substitute alcohol made from wood alcohol or medical supplies which was dangerous if taken too much of. Many people used bootlegging as a advantage business where they could become very rich.

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