Saturday, November 14, 2009

blog 23

1. Summarize the event.
California Seeks New Limits on Boat Pollution
The article was about California regulators asking for stricter rules on the pollution standards to limit emissions from personal watercraft and motorboats.

2. What is the most important info presented in the story?
That there are people out trying to fight for change with our watercraft. Another things is how hard it is to get our world to change something they've come accustomed to and also comfortable with.

3. What info is missing?
Nothing really but more follow up on what exactly there doing to press the issue farther.

4. How does this info play into your MSB work?
Since my essential question is what can we do to reduce it, the article helps me explain one way that we can. By getting the public and California leaders to understand how important this thing is to fix.

"Air-quality regulators in California have proposed rules that are tougher than Federal pollution standards to limit emissions from personal watercraft and motorboats.
The rules proposed by the state's Air Resources Board would force manufacturers to make cleaner engines for personal watercraft, like Jet Skis, and motorboats.
Bill Rush, a spokesman for Californians United to Save Boating, which represents recreational boat owners, criticized the proposed regulations, saying they would make boat engines too expensive and hurt the state's $11 billion boating and related industries. About 500,000 motorboats with outboard engines and personal watercraft ply the state's lakes and rivers."

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