Thursday, December 10, 2009

Into thin Air

Jasmine Jackson

Passion, loyalty, self motivation and strength are all emotional and mental qualities one would need to successfully climb Mount Everest, however, some of these qualities can possibly lead to disaster. Passion leads to making unwise decisions while loyalty can prevent you from making good personal decisions, putting forth strength and self-motivation for success.

Passion is a very important mental and emotional quality to have when climbing up Mount Everest, without passion about what you are doing it would be hard for you to overcome road bumps in the trip. Even though passion is something that one would need to successfully climb Mount Everest it could also be the thing that leads you to Disaster.
Andy Harris was a guide on the Mount Everest trip.

He is seen to be very passionate about his climbing and about his job. The book says that he couldn’t resist climbing up the mountain, When other guides couldn’t guide up the hill he volunteers his service. Andy’s passion is somewhat one of the things that have leaded him to successfully climb previous mountains before; it was also the one thing that could have leaded him to disaster, and death. In the book Andy falls off the mountain and dies. I feel that his passion lead him to make an unwise and unsafe design as to climbing the dangerous side of the mountain leading him to fall off and die.

Rob hall was one of the tour guides that lead the group up Mount Everest. In the book rob s portrayed as a respectable passionate and loyal guide. Many parts of the book have showed theses qualities are what have helped him successful lead others up the mountain before. Although the have helped him previously his loyalty begins to lead him to disaster. Rob and client Doug Hansen got stuck on the top of Mount Everest. Doug begins to run out of oxygen and Rob refuses to leave him there.

On there way down the mountain they both run out of oxygen, Doug dies from lack of oxygen, and Rob slips into unconsciousness and eventually dies. Rob would have made it down the mountain alive if he would have left his client but because of his loyalty he was prevented from making a good personal decision that would have lead him to success rather than disaster.

Beck Weathers was a client who paid to climb up Mount Everest. He was a doctor who had recently fallen in love with climbing. Beck displays strength, bravery, self motivation and determination through out the book. After becks teammates leave him for death, he gains enough strength to try and make it down the mountain he finds another group and camps the night with them. Weathers loose his sleeping bags and gets frost bite on his cheeks and nose.

Because of Becks strength and self motivation he never gave up hope and successfully made it to the bottom of the mountain where doctors told him he had the worst case of frost bite they have seen. Weathers is seen to have passion about climbing and also seemed to be somewhat loyal but when it came down to it he had self motivation which helped him to success.

In the beginning pages of the book the author explains that it is important for you to trust the people that you are climbing the mountain with. But in the book it also shows that if you don’t look after yourself than you will be the one who lead to disaster rather than success is. The characters in the book that died were the ones who looked after others and were very loyal and unselfishness towards the team was the ones who were lead downhill.

Andy and Rob were more loyal to his clients rather than themselves. They were also passionate about there job as guides which lead them to make unwise decisions. Beck weathers was passionate about climbing but his passion was over powered by strength and self motivation for success. Passion and Loyalty are two important emotional and mental qualities that are important for one to have when climbing Mount Everest, but without self motivation and strength then they can lead you to disaster.

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