Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Honors Blog 4

Honors: A Personal History
Please complete all of the following:
1. Discuss your successes as an honors student this past semester.
As a honors student it has improved my writing skills significantly. By doing the extra articles and essays and also having harder expectations has improved my writing in humanities and also in other classrooms as well. It has also helped me keep me busy and working efficiently to make sure I keep up with due dates.It also helped me work harder than I usually did because I wanted my end result to be a good a good grade.

2. Discuss what you might have done differently if you do this past semester of honors over again.
I would most likely just make sure I have the books/ novels I need for my essays in advance so I can began reading them as soon as i can to give me more time for actually writing part of my essays. I would also get my essays critiqued before I turn them in for a final draft because that seemed to be my biggest problem, small minor mistakes that could have been fixed.

3. Discuss your goals for honors in the second semester.
Next semester in honors I would like to get through alot of my work earlier than when it is actually due because alot of the work and assignment this year were the same as or very close to the regular assignment due dates in his regular class, So it was easy to fall behind on some of the assignments if I didn't have them complete or half way done.

4. If you could choose any parts of literature and history for our honors work, what would you pick and why?
I really like to learn about World War I and II because three's alot of important things that went on during these periods that are always over looked. I would also like to learn more about the roaming twenties because it was a interesting time period but we only went briefly into it, not so much as in dept as I would have liked. Another period that seems pretty interesting to learn about is The Civil rights movement and the different laws that were changed during that time period and what makes them significant.

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