Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Semester TWO: Honors Novel 2

The Great Depression brought about a lot of migration, many families began to migrate towards California to find jobs, and food. During the grapes of wrath we get to see two different prospective of this happening. In the novel we are introduced to the Joad family where we explore the different trials and tribulations they endured the great depression.

The Joad family lived on a farm in Oklahoma ,once the stock market crashed and the dust bowl era came about there was no chance for them to survive on there land. The dust bowl demolished the crops leaving there farm worthless. They began trying to sell prized possessions but the economy was so bad that people barely had money for food, so they couldn’t buy “luxury items”. Since there was no money coming in they were unable to pay the bank for their home which caused the house to be foreclosed.

Because of the dust bowl everyone was struggling to keep afloat. There was talk about better opportunities in San Diego so many families began to migrate
In the book we are shown a pattern of reality and exaggerated reality, it starts off with the reality of the 1930’s with a description of the scenery. “In the roads where the teams moved, where the wheels milled the ground and the hooves of the horses beat the ground, the dirt crust broke and the dust formed. Every moving thing lifted the dust into the air: a walking man lifted a thin layer as high as his waist, and a wagon lifted the dust as high as the fence tops, and an automobile boiled a cloud behind it. The dust was long in settling back again. The next chapter zooms into the Joad family where we get a first hand view of a migrant family’s experience. “In the little houses the tenant people sifted their belongings and the belongings of their fathers and of their grandfathers, Picked over their possessions for the journey to the west. The men were ruthless because the past had been spoiled, but the women knew how the past would cry to them in the coming days. The men went into the barns and the sheds.

The way that this book was set up gives the reader both sides of the story. In the reality chapters of the book we get a first hand view of just how bad everything was during the 1930’s. In the zoomed out chapters we can make a connection between our life and how it could have been affected during that time period. I feel it was important for Steinbeck to write the book with this specific pattern because its easy for you to understand the theme of the book and also connect to the characters in order to understand the book as a whole. Having the reality, exaggerated reality pattern also kept the book interesting. There was always some kind of thinking happening between chapters as we learned background descriptive information about the reality of the great depressions, we also see some of what could have be reality of the great depression.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Amperstand Final Draft

Jasmine Jackson
I absorbed many different skills from completing a whole year of kinder garden, probably some of the most important do’s and don’ts of my high school year reflects back to it. As much as I like to say I learned during my kinder garden year has no comparison to what I learned during my three week internship experience as a kinder garden teacher assistant. I am proud to say I learned the key to a successful life, home, and job is patience.

Patience seems to be the only skill one would need in order to endure the stress that comes while dealing with kids, teens or people in general. Listen closely as I take you through a few of my memories to explore the many annoyances one may experience when working with kinder gardeners. From the constant shoe tying, tattling, line cutting, arguing, fighting and the worst of them all, the finger in the nose while confused on something just said. Yes, yes the booger finger. If you can survive two days of working in a kinder garden class, I feel confident that you are prepared to endure the stress of the “real world”.

“Miss Jasmine, Miss Jasmine” “yes Kevin S” I reply. “Uhm my shoe came untied again “Well let’s see, I carefully pull up the two strings loop then cross them over and under big bow, then little bow. I glance up to check if he watched the whole process. Not a chance seems that the ant next to his hand had more importance than learning a lifetime skill. I dust the dirt off of my denim jeans, take a sip from my coffee and continue with my set task. They say one of the easiest ways to deal with constant shoe tying is to teach them the skill so they can do it themselves. This can become extremely hard if your student has a 2-3 second attention span. But wait, the headache doesn’t began at the constant shoe tying , the throbbing begins at the consistent bickering between classmates.

“Miss Jasmine Miss Jasmine” yes I mumble never looking up from my scissors and worksheets. “She cut in front of me at recess today” yelled one of my students angrily. “Nun Huh” yelled the defendant “I was there first” she stated defensively. “No I was there first then you cut me.” The plaintiff clarified. “Girls Girls” my mentor thankfully interrupted. “Please have a seat on the rug it is time for phonics.” I sip my coffee and exhale a deep breath. They say the best way to deal with tattling and fighting between students is to try and understand each point before making a decision. This is something that can also be a hard task when one is not use to being a judge. Just when your headache begins to progress the breaking point of your day will take its toll experiencing the horror of the booger finger.

Tap Tap Tap, “Teacher” one of my students confusingly says. “Which one do I color . . .” I look up from the apple laptop and over my left shoulder. Oh no please not the finger in the nose. My face went blank as I tried to focus on the question he asked. I looked at him with confusion. He slowly takes his finger out of his nose and places it on the table then taps me again once he notice I wasn’t paying attention.“Would this triangle be red or blue”? I shake the vision of the slimy green finger touching my shoulder and answer his question. “This triangle would be blue”. I sip my coffee, and exhale a deep breath.

Even the worst situations of them all can be contained with patience. This is where the headache is fully blown and unstoppable. Your day is over and there is no way to turn back the hands on the clock. However there is tomorrow, you’ll come in ready to deal with the constant shoe tying, tattling, line cutting, arguing, fighting and the worst of them all, the finger in the nose while confused on something just said. Then the next day and the day after that will all come together like clockwork. This is when the patience develops. Once you are able to deal with constant shoe tying, tattling, line cutting, arguing, fighting and booger picking. You are successfully read to deal with late co workers, needy bosses, bickering patients or whatever the “real life” sweeps your way, you will be prepared.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Semester TWO ; Honor's Novel One

The novel was about a troubled African American girl Jada who goes from “crack addict ,prostitute then a somewhat “survivor” The book has many twist ,it starts up as a love story, then transfers to a little bit tragic , still full of surprises and unseen truths. The novel sort of celebrates a urban tradition while exposing the hardships that urban America goes through, how caught up in the drug world one can be, and what happens when they try to get out of it.

Drugs were Tracy Brown’s main idea for the book most of his ideas were based on or around drugs.He uses Jada the main character’s personal experiences like different literary devices as a symbol/metaphor to show how black American is ruled by two similar things drugs and money.Tracy Brown is using drugs in connection to something that each person chase after that falls under the same umbrella as “materialism” that each person can personally relate to. For an example in the book drugs gave people power, respect, and control .Tracy brown makes the connection between money and drugs using it as a symbol “We all chase after something rather it is drugs, happiness, love or money”. Having a lot of money can lead to power, respect, and control. Same as to drugs you can be on the “pro” side of the drug world will lead you to power respect and control.

In the novel we see Jada be on both sides of the pro and cons list of the drug world. She starts off struggling desperately as she is addicted to some of the most hardcore drugs out at the time she did humane things in order to feed her habit. She believed that while on drugs she could have a better grip on her life. The drugs gave her a sense of control, while on drugs she could control when she was happy and when she dealt with the problems of her world. Without the drugs she was a normal person who was controlled by destiny. This links back to Tracy browns metaphor between money and drugs. When one has money they have a sense of control. You can buy what you would like, go where you would like, pay off anyone you would like. Having money gives a person a lot of power and respect. Without money it is easy for one to get depressed, looked down on or trampled over. The way that our economy is, the richer the person the higher standard they are seen as. The same thing goes for the “drug king and queens”in my novel.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Semester TWO : Blog 10

Do you believe that the Grapes of Wrath successfully establishes sympathy for the plight of Dust Bowl farmers? Why or why not?

I think that it did a pretty good attempt at making me feel pretty sympathetic for the farmers. The way that that Steinbeck explains how everything is going on seems like it is slightly overly told, and its hard for me to connect with the farmers grief because the way its wrote makes it desperate for me to feel sympatic. Its like when you see homeless people on the streets and there begging for your sympathy and they have signs and things that are trying grasp your attention and somewhat hit you soft spot. I feel that is what Steinbeck was doing and it somewhat hit my soft spot but didn't make me wanna give up my money to help sorta thing.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

SM2 : Honors History Writing : 1

Dear President Obama,
I am writing you to discuss some of the current troubles we are facing economically today. Our troubles have many similarities with some of the troubles that were faced during the 1930’s in the great depression. There are a few a main points I would like to talk about, what lead up to “the great depression”, what lead up to what some call “the great Recession”, FDR’s way of fixing the depression, and some ideas as to how we can fix our current recession
There were 5 major causes for the great depression, one of the top being the crash of the stock market October 29, 1929. The stock market crash occurred on Black Tuesday, October 29. Two months after the crash stockholders lost more than $40 billion dollars. The market began to regain some of the 40 billion dollars but it was not enough leaving American in what we call the great depression.
Another huge one was the Bank failures throughout the time period over 9,000 banks failed. Bank deposits were uninsured and people began to lose their money the Surviving banks, however stopped creating new loans.
As they fell deeper into the crisis businesses began to fail drastically. People started to cut back on spending their money on pointless items .This charged a high tax for imports leading to less trade between America and other foreign countries.
When people lost their jobs, they were unable to keep up with paying for things previously bought and many of their items were repossessed. A lot of inventory started to accumulate. This raised the unemployment rate above 25% which lead to even, less spending which worsen the economic situation.
A lot of the same things are reoccurring in today’s recession. In usually, the rate of jobless people remains steady every month. But lately there has been a constant, steep rise in that number with over 10 percent of people unemployed
Before the recession hit the economy was booming there were new inventions and lots of money being spent helping our economy grow rapidly Since the economy was booming mortgage brokers enticed big commissions, and talked buyers with poor credit into leasing houses with mortgages with little or no down payment, they also didn’t have proper tax documentation and credit checks This all back fired when people when the interstate went up 2 percent people didn’t have enough money to pay back loans which lead to a lot of foreclosed houses .
The New Deal was basically a series of economic programs that FDR got passed by Congress during his first term. The new deal included the works in progress administration, the national Recovery act administration, and the social security act
The main problem that seems to show up is the unemployment rate; if people don’t have jobs then they do not have money, there for they cannot buy things such as foreign trades, new technology and other items that would benefit the flow of our economy. If people are not buying products such as computers or vacuums etc then the companies that are selling the computers and vacuums must cut back on their staff making fewer jobs then there already has been
If we create more jobs that can benefit the government, our economy and the earth would be a way to help us out of the recession, example cleaning trash from high ways, streets, and drains this is something that benefits the government and our earth but still helps give jobs to bring our economy back up to float.

I hope you will get ideas and inspiration from my ideas above, it is important to use history as a tool to move forward.

Sincerely ,
Jasmine Jackson

Semester TWO: Blog 9

I think that one way I have used the freedom of ampersand to perform is by expanding my writing ideas and also my planning time. One thing that is important for me to do when writing is to get out all of my ideas place them in a structure format then expand on each individually. I also like to have a lot of things going on in my writing at once that somewhat come together at the end. Randy likes more of the same consistent topic showing up again through out the whole writing, and Ampersand gives me a way to use the writing style that I like and make it personal. Although I have had freedom in the kind of style I like to write in it is also a good thing that it is some one structure. It seems like there is a basic outline of what is expected and then you fill in the blanks with what you would like as long as you stay in the lines.