Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Semester TWO: Blog 9

I think that one way I have used the freedom of ampersand to perform is by expanding my writing ideas and also my planning time. One thing that is important for me to do when writing is to get out all of my ideas place them in a structure format then expand on each individually. I also like to have a lot of things going on in my writing at once that somewhat come together at the end. Randy likes more of the same consistent topic showing up again through out the whole writing, and Ampersand gives me a way to use the writing style that I like and make it personal. Although I have had freedom in the kind of style I like to write in it is also a good thing that it is some one structure. It seems like there is a basic outline of what is expected and then you fill in the blanks with what you would like as long as you stay in the lines.

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