Thursday, February 25, 2010

Semester TWO :Blog 8

The main similarities I see in President Obama and Franklin D Roosevelt seem to be the powerful speeches that they both can give.
Back in the 1930's when things were pretty bad, most people had given up hope. there were few to no jobs left, people were being evicted from there homes and farms and food was at short supply. When FDR came along and he began to talk to the people and offer words of hope. "let me assert my firm belief that only thing we have to fear itself -nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
his words made it seem like there was hope after all, that the people as a whole must not give up.
In today's time Obama is a lot like FDR we hit a recession that was devastating for a lot of people. Everyone has been and seems to still be affected one way or another. Houses had been foreclosed, same as in the 1930's when farms and property's were taking away. Obama came along with a great slogan that gave us all sort of a white light through a dark tunnel "Change we can believe in " he had this whole campaign and idea of Change that got Americans excited and ready to face the depression head on. This is similar to FDR his speech "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. " seems to be saying don't be scared of the depression we can get through this. I also think there beliefs on having divided parties was also the same. FDR suggested that the parties work together rather than against each other. President Obama said something alike ' he wanted the state of the Union and the two parties to work together to fix our economy.

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