Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mentor Interview Beginning Article:

Jasmine Jackson
As I wait for 335 to hit the clock I take a glance around room 7. Bright colors, Letters, larger numbers, and a variety of words cover each wall from top to bottom. The Room is slightly chaotic, as the kids scramble around to grab their back packs, reading folders, and art work.

“Miss Schierman” one of her students called out. “Tomorrow is my birthday” Maria turned and made a surprised but yet excited gesture. “Well looks like we’re going to have to make you a birthday hat. . huh?”. Her student smiles seeming pleased with her reaction and continues to get ready to go home.
Maria gets up from her desk and begins to prepare for the rush of incoming parents. Her long black boots “click clack” around the classroom making it hard to not notice the rest of her stylish combination.

A perfectly fit gray sweater hangs on her slightly broad shoulders and a pair of fine denim jeans flows from her hips covering over her black boots. She wears her hair cut to fall just below her ears with a small piece hanging down her forehead, naturally falling to the side. A pair of dark frame and rectangular shaped glasses is worn on her face making her beautiful blue eyes stick out even more.

The bell rings and the door flings open creating a swarm of parents. As they line up to get there young ones, Maria stands there greeting them. Most by name all with a warm smile,

Helpful Feedback Questions:

What to put next?
How well does it flow?
What can be improved?
What is missing?

1 comment:

  1. This piece of writing is really good. I like the descriptive characteristics that you use to depict your mentor and the surrounding area. You can describe that classroom more and the setting. And the end it has to set the stage for the interview. And it flowed well into each paragraph. Make sure you do that when you put your changes in.

    -use more colorful words
    -brief history of your mentor
