Monday, June 14, 2010

Literary Reflections

If I were to take any character from the novels we've read this year, with me to college I would most likely take with me Tom Joad from Grapes of Wrath by John Stienback. When we are first introduced to Tom Joad in chapter two he catches a ride with a truck driver who was reluctant to let him in. He persuades the man into giving him a ride by saying “Sometimes a guy'll be a good guy even if some rich bastard makes him carry a sticker". I like the way Tom chose his words wise enough to get the reaction from the truck driver he wanted. If Tom was to go to college with me I would get the benefits of his persecution skills. For an example it would be easy for us to be invited to parties and events, and if they weren’t he could persuade them to let us in. If I hand around him enough I too will pick up the persuading skill and be able to word my words correctly to get what I want.

He also had a very good first impression to me, when Tom said " "Homicide," quickly that’s a big word means I killed a guy. seven years im sprung in four for keepin my nose clean" in pg. 13 it seemed to me as if he was a very straight forward guy and he had nothing really to hide. This to me is something that shows a lot about a person’s true self. When first interacting with a person is when you normally make your first decision as to what kind of person they are and if there is a chance at a good friendship. I am someone who is very straight forward I and who appreciates honesty. I have things in my past that I am not so proud of and things that Im sure in college I will do that wont be the best decision and if I have a friend like Tom Joad there to talk to, without hiding facts or parts of the story would be very helpful to get through college a little less stressed.

He also is a very outspoken person who always voices his opinion, or idea no matter what it is. Like when he said "Seems like the government's got more interest in a dead man than a live one.” He didn’t care if Jim or Ma agreed with what he was saying he just felt the need to voice his opinion about something that he felt wasn’t right. I am the same way, I voice my opinion rather or not someone agrees with me. I would enjoy Tom being there in college so that we can have conversations about the different things that are going on in the world that we don’t think are right. It also shows that he isn’t a pushover and that neither he nor I will be “bullied” through college because of our outspoken personalities.

Overall Tom Joad would be a good person to have around during college, rather it be just for conversation, parties, or a friend to lean on.

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