Tuesday, June 15, 2010

History Reflection

When going on to college I would want to have Franklin D. Roosevelt as a professor at my university because he is such a stronger speaker, he had genuinely good suggestions and ideas, and he spoke words of inspiration. He also was very loved by our country which means I would most likely not have such a hard time loving him as a professor myself.

When first coming into term as the United States 32 president America was going through the great depression, a time where everyone had began to loose all hope. Around 15 million people were unemployed; families began to be kicked out of their homes. Farmers began to loose there land, and families were forced to sleep in shacks. There also was a shortage of food due to the dust bowl that came through ruining most of the crops. Once the banks began to fail many families lost their whole life savings, and sent America into a very depressing state.

Roosevelt had very inspiring words that lifted many spirits. By this time many people had gave up, and were exhausted by the poor conditions of the United States at the time. But FDR came along and said “this great nation will endure as it has endured, will receive and will prosper. So, first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” with that one line it gave so many people hope, that believed that there was going to be change.

He promised that he was going to take a hand on approach at things and he did just as he said. He began to slowly put back together the economy by building jobs and new laws to protect the people, such as the New deal and the Social Security Act.
I would like to have him as a professor because he seems as if he has a lot of wisdom that would be important for me to learn. He also would have experienced a lot of the major things in history that connect to the state of the economy today as well so back then. He knows a lot about wars since he lead us through most of World War II. FDR would be able to tell us a story about what he was first thinking when the bombs dropped in the Hawaii island in December 7th 1941. He was a natural born leader so he would be able to have a strong control over his class. FDR would have had to been very organized as a thinker in order to get good ideas out that he could actually fall threw on.

His speeches were very uplifting which leads me to believe that he had an overall nice personality or at least a genuine side to him. This would be good for me if I ever needed to discuss with him about a grade or assignment, he would at lease allow me to voice my opinion. He seemed to have a optimistic view on some of the more negative things in life, like when he said “No matter how long it takes us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.” In his speech to the congress a day after the attack on the Hawaii Islands. This was something that was very shocking and devastating for many Americans but still with his words of wisdom he was able to come and ensure the people that everything would be alright. That would be just the person I need to get me through college.

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