Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to 1983 for a Day !

The going back to 1983 project , was assigned to us by Lia Muller my environmental science teacher for a day during the thanksgiving break. When Lia first discussed the assignment I was slightly excited to see how it would actually turn out,and if it would change my view on communication items(i.e cellphones, laptops, house phones)etc. But as we were let out for break I continuously pushed back the day on which I would actually complete the assignment. I would always counter up some excuse as to why today wasn't a good day , and maybe tomorrow would be better. By the time I knew it it was thanksgiving day and I figured it would be the best day to complete the assignment seeing that there are tons of things to keep me busy throughout the day. I believe the hardest thing to get rid of for a full day was my cell phone, in between cooking and cleaning I would always reach for my phone to do a quick Facebook check before it was time to take the cakes out, or reply to a few text before I was instructed to do something else. But NO I was phone less , and felt disconnected from the world. Although, I never seen myself as someone addicted to there phone, I seen myself fening for just 5mins of talking to someone, or reading someones status. I found myself having to hide my phone just so I wouldn't be successful in picking up my phone if I couldn't take it any longer. The most difficult part of this assignment and picking to do it on that specific day was that everyone was at my house enjoying there different conversations via, text msg, phone calls, Internet, etc, and all I could do is wait until Friday to catch up on everything I missed the day before. The entertainment part came easy for me at first I began reading my book , then talking to my family but quickly that turned boring. I began helping out more around the house and in the kitchen , but that became boring also. I tried napping but it didn't take up enough hours for the day. I reluctantly began at 8am Thursday morning and couldn't take it anymore by 9:34pm. Thursday night.

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