Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog 10:Whats the deal with reconstruction?

What's the deal with Reconstruction?

After the Civil war the north was trying to reconstruct the south and make it part of the union again. But the South rebelled against it because they didn't want to be part of the union again.

What is/was Reconstruction? What went well? What went poorly?

The president at the time which was Andrew Johnson, sent democrats to the south to help it be retrained as a uion after the Civil war. The problem with this is that the people he sent were federlist, who didnt truley believe in the changes and rules they were suppose to be enforceing. This leading to the whole point of them being there pointless.

Why is it relevant today?

This was the begining where most of our problems that we are facing today dealing with conflicts and rascisum in the south can connect back to. I see it as the concrete of inequality being set in, since the reconstruction period the civil war just continued in a more invisable way.

Connect the basic history of Reconstruction with a modern issue, as found (and cited and excerpted from a modern news story)

Rep. Joe Wilson shocked many observers Wednesday night when he shouted, "You lie!" after the president denied that health care legislation would provide free coverage for illegal immigrants.

Click link below for more of the article(

Monday, September 28, 2009

Media Saves The Beach Blog 9.

Post an excerpt from an interesting and relevant news story that connects to coastal issues, making sure to include a link to the original story. What is the issue and/or controversy? Where can one get more information? In what way(s) does the story relate to our class? How might it tie in to our work for Media Saves the Beach?

News Article
"The San Diego County Department of Environmental Health has closed a section of Ocean Beach due to a sewage spill.
Environmental Health Department officials closed Dog Beach in OB because of a nearly 15,000-gallon sewage spill."
(to continue click here

Issue with this article is the sewage spill caused the beach to be shut down, or at lease dangerous for anyone to swim in. This is a problem leading into other problems because it is hard for people to be aware of the harmful things spilt in the ocean if they do not check the news and updates on the beaches before they go.
This relates to What were doing in humanities cause we can help solve some of these problems with getting the word out and letting people know what is going on and how and why it is not safe to be in the water in a more effective and efficient way.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Media Saves The Beach Blog # 8

What ideas do you have for Media Saves the Beach?
I would like to focus my project on mission beach because that is the most recent beach that My family and friends and I all like to go to. So i would like to find more out about what is in the water and what is hurtful so that we can enjoy going to the beach without any worries.

What content interests you?/ What projects might you create?
I'm More interested in either the Photography or Video.
I was also thinking like a Artwork intertwined with Photos. Because I'm not that good at actually drawling things but photography is something I like and mixing the both of them could be something different and also fun.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Final American Icon Project.

Angelou, Maya.. And Still I Rise..... New York: New York, Ny, U.S.A.: Random House, Incorporated, 1978. "Maya Angelou - The Official Website." Maya Angelou - The Official Website. 4 Sep. 2009 .

Final Draft:
It was during my middle school year when I was first inspired by the words of Dr. Maya Angelou. Earlier that day a fight between me and another student broke out during my P.E period. While I was waiting in the front office for my suspension papers, my 3rd period English teacher walked in with lunch and a paper in his hand. On the paper was a poem written by a woman name Maya Angelou called Still I Rise. “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies; you may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I'll rise.”
During this point of my life I was a troubled teen in need of advice and guidance. Words didn’t seem to solve my problems as easy as fighting and violence in result of this my fist became my voice. It seemed as if no one would listen or care about what I had to say; because of this I began to be mean, hateful and unable to express my emotions through words. At the age of 8 Maya Angelou was raped by a man named Freeman. She was forced to keep quiet about the incident or she would be significantly penalized if not. Unfortunately, Maya was a witness during Mr. Freeman’s trail; He was sentenced to death and left Maya with a great burden to deal with. She remained silent for the next five years of her life only speaking to her older brother, Bailey."I thought if I spoke, my mouth would just issue out something that would kill people, randomly, so it was better not to talk." Maya and I had this in common all though I didn’t silence myself for 5 years, I limited my self from speaking what was on my mind and heart making the words that I spoke as slient as Maya’s words.

The poem, Still I Rise, was written during the outcome of the hardest part of Maya Angelou’s life. "There is a kind of strength that is almost frightening in black women. It's as if a steel rod runs right through the head down to the feet." Her inspiring words and wisdom is what makes the connection between Maya and I. She doesn’t only write her stories as a way of expressing herself but also as a way for other young black women growing up in the same society that has gave her so many obstacles to over come. “I rather my readers learn from my mistakes rather then learn from there own.” Reading through Maya’s autobiographies has showed me different pathways that would be better for me to steer myself away from, But yet taught me that the most tragic events that happen in your life are the best events to use for inspiration.

Since reading Maya Angelou’s poetry, autobiographies, and watching her media productions it has lead me in a pathway to start my own. She has showed me that it is okay to open my mouth and speak out rather than result to the harshness of violence. “Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.” She has also showed me that great things can come from a harmful past, and there is multiply ways to express you other than violence that will still get the message across. I have written several poems of my own, and I am also interested in film production. Maya has also showed me that the best success in life is self success and that can only be reached by hard work and patience. “All great achievements require time.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bog #6: American Icons Reflection part 1

Answer each of the following... Be sure to have a copy of each of your drafts with you.

1. What did you discover about your writing during this project?
One thing I noticed while doing this project is that i use a lot of "ing" words when I am trying to tell a story. Since we did this project and Randy showed us new techniques I have learned a way to change "ing" words in to a activating verb. This made my writing flow a little better. My writing is also not as structhered as i would like it to be, i didnt really over come this delemia but this project helped it not be as bad as it was.

2. Identify and describe (at least) one specific writing technique that you used. How did you use it? What effect did it have on your writing?
I tried using the Loop when writing my Artistic Statement, Started my statement off with a scene that was from the nowish past which was 8th grade, next I took my audience deeper into the message i was trying to portrey, My connection with Maya Angelou. Last i finished my statement with a quote that relates to the beginning connecting my intro with my outro. This improved my paper and also made it more focused and not so all over the place.

3. If you had time for one more draft, what would you do?
I would go over my draft with someone in the class that considers themselfs as a good writer, so that they could help me turn my paragraphs into storys without taking out the needed information because that was a problem in my 2nd draft.

4. Copy one sentence that you believe is well-written and/or important to your overall piece. What makes it stand out to you?

You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies; you may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I'll rise.” This quote along with many others has inspired the direction my life is going in.

I choose this line because it was the last sentence in my intro. To me the last line in a first paragraph in a paper is very important its like the last chance the author has to grasp the readers attention

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Photograph Techniques

Unique perspectives is when you turn your camera angle a certen way so that you capture a object but still get background info, it also is sort of a unique and unfimilar posed angle like seen in the above photo.
Posed portraits is when you specifically pose the object to how you would like. My picture is more of a portrait so this would be a good technique for me to use to make my picture look more professional.

Back Lighting is where you bring out most of the light in the back of your photo this gives your image in the front a sort of dark shadow and gives the picture more to look at. It also makes it more creative and eye pleasing.

Artistic Statements and Critiques.

-"To me the 2nd and 3rd paragraph got a little dull but if you changed it into more of a story it would be an amazing piece."
-"The story is well through out , the only real issue in the punctuation(which is normal for a first draft)."
-"I might try and find lines from other poems she has done and that will make the piece that much better."

These are direct quotes that i was given during the critiquing period in class. My partners advice was to the point clear and also very helpful. He told me a pretty neat trick to keep in mind when making sure my paper flows correctly. He also gave me some clues to making my 2nd and third paragraphs more interesting like the first one. Overall my first critiquing draft went well.

New ideas.
-To add more details into my beginning to make it more interesting and mind grabbing.
-Make another connection between my american icon so that I can have a clear continum of american icons.
-Write it more as a story rather than giving facts, it will leave the reader with a better chance of remembering what they read after there finished.

Artistic Statement: Maya Angelou

It was during my middle school year when I was first inspired by the words of Dr. Maya Angelou. Earlier that day a fight between me and another student broke out during my P.E period. While I was waiting in the front office for my suspension papers, my 3rd period English teacher walked in with lunch and a paper in his hand. On the paper was a poem written by a woman name Maya Angelou called Still I Rise. “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies; you may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I'll rise.”
During this point of my life I was a troubled teen in need of advice and guidance. Words didn’t seem to solve my problems as easy as fighting and violence in result of this my fist became my voice. It seemed as if no one would listen or care about what I had to say; because of this I began to be mean, hateful and unable to express my emotions through words. At the age of 8 Maya Angelou was raped by a man named Freeman. She was forced to keep quiet about the incident or she would be significantly penalized if not. Unfortunately, Maya was a witness during Mr. Freeman’s trail; He was sentenced to death and left Maya with a great burden to deal with. She remained silent for the next five years of her life only speaking to her older brother, Bailey."I thought if I spoke, my mouth would just issue out something that would kill people, randomly, so it was better not to talk." Maya and I had this in common all though I didn’t silence myself for 5 years, I limited my self from speaking what was on my mind and heart making the words that I spoke as slient as Maya’s words.

The poem, Still I Rise, was written during the outcome of the hardest part of Maya Angelou’s life. "There is a kind of strength that is almost frightening in black women. It's as if a steel rod runs right through the head down to the feet." Her inspiring words and wisdom is what makes the connection between Maya and I. She doesn’t only write her stories as a way of expressing herself but also as a way for other young black women growing up in the same society that has gave her so many obstacles to over come. “I rather my readers learn from my mistakes rather then learn from there own.” Reading through Maya’s autobiographies has showed me different pathways that would be better for me to steer myself away from, But yet taught me that the most tragic events that happen in your life are the best events to use for inspiration.

Since reading Maya Angelou’s poetry, autobiographies, and watching her media productions it has lead me in a pathway to start my own. She has showed me that it is okay to open my mouth and speak out rather than result to the harshness of violence. “Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.” She has also showed me that great things can come from a harmful past, and there is multiply ways to express you other than violence that will still get the message across. I have written several poems of my own, and I am also interested in film production. Maya has also showed me that the best success in life is self success and that can only be reached by hard work and patience. “All great achievements require time.”

Friday, September 4, 2009

American Icon ideas.

Maya Angelou.
Possible Resources:

Her website has all of her books a biography of her life, quotes from her and also information about her past and what she plans to do in the future. This is her Official Website so everything here is a reliable source to use when writing my paper.

Books: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
This is a very important autobiography on Maya Angelou's life. Through the book she tells us a story of her past. This book will help me relate me and Maya Angelou in a more factual way providing evidence making the connection more personal.

Films/Media: I know why a Cage Bird Sings, Poetic Justice, Down in the Delta, The Black candle.
Maya Angelou has Four different films with her involvement in them. There are 2 movies made from her autobiographies and 2 movies directed and narrated by her. This further proves my point of the level of success she has reached and how she continues to inspire me.
Films are easy to get a hold of and can be very informational.

Possible Resources:

On her website there is information about the different funds and programs she has organized. If I decide to connect her giving spirit through her foundations this would be a helpful site for resources.

She has Up close: Oprah Winfrey by Ilene Cooper,Oprah Winfrey I don't believe in Failure by Robin Westen, and also The Oprah Phenomenon by Jennifer Harris and many more.

Any one of these books would be good for me to use information out of them. they are all biographies, meaning the have important facts about Oprah's life and personal experiences that i could link back to myself and connection with her.

6. Interviews/Podcast:
Oprah has her own talk show on television where i could use specific quotes and information off of. This would be a good resource because it is a more reliable resources since it is coming from her mouth herself.
another good resource would be interviews that she has done, there are tons of them on you tube and also on the Internet to look up and get information from that would help with the facts about Oprah's life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

American Icons.

Maya Angelou is a writer, activist, civil activist, a play directer and much more, she has written over 6 books, & have directed and written more than 8 poems and over 7 autobiography's.She grew up during the 1920'. Being black and a woman she has experienced many devastating and tragic events that could have set her back. Instead of giving up on the world she decided to change it, she began writing books about her life and the problems that she faced, and also problems that many African American woman will encounter at lease once in there life.I would like to do her for my American icon because we could have a lot in common and a lot that I can relate to. She has inspired me through her films and also her poetry when i was younger i would express myself through poems and writing and they came out being something that I was proud of. Doing her for my project

Oprah Winfrey is a television producer,actress, author, magazine publisher and also runs a multi-award winning talk show. Life hasn't been easy for Oprah she grew up in Poverty in the backwoods of Mississippi.She was raped at age 9 and pregnant by age 14. Like Maya Angelou Oprah was destine to succeed. No matter what problems she faced, she over came with something greater. She was a 2.7 billionaire by her late 30's. Oprah has spread her success in all different parts of the world. Africa helping supply food and medicine, New Orleans rebuilding and replacing homes, and also setting up different funding for the homeless, for kids without parents and also for schools and recreational centers. Oprah and I aren't that much different from one another, We carry alot of the same Characteristics, and as a young black woman growing up in today's society its nice to have someone to look up to. Oprah doesn't hold back she asks what she would like to do and does what she puts her mind to. This is why i choose her for my American Icon.

"You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself." Diana Ross a inspiration to all woman and talented singers coming up in the music business. Diana Ross was one of the most successful female artist, crossing over into film, television and Broadway during the 1970s and through the mid 1980s. She believed that if you worked hard enough and long enough for something you could get whatever it is that you desired. She also believed that a tough past was a way to have a bright future. Growing up black and a singer in her tine frame wasn't easy but she didn't let anything stop her, She wanted it all to singer act and also be in Broadway productions.Diana was one of the first female recording artist to switch over in all three categories. She has inspired all of my greatest Artist from Beyonce', Alica Keys. Keyshia Cole and also Mary J. Bilge. I would like to do my American Icon project on her because she has accomplished many different things that have impacted the world big and small.

Back to School

In humanities this year I would like to push and also challenge myself. I would do this by always putting forth my best effort. Another goal I would like to set is getting better at working with teams, and also being able to be open minded to different ideas and things, Sometimes when I see and here things that I am unfamiliar with I sometimes shut out if I am not interested. By the end of the school year I would like to be able to work well with people who have different political views, religion beliefs different looks and ideas.

Academically I would like to learn more about world history interesting events that have happen in history that has impacted the world, but is something that not all the world talks about. Because I would be more intrested in learning about it.