Monday, September 28, 2009

Media Saves The Beach Blog 9.

Post an excerpt from an interesting and relevant news story that connects to coastal issues, making sure to include a link to the original story. What is the issue and/or controversy? Where can one get more information? In what way(s) does the story relate to our class? How might it tie in to our work for Media Saves the Beach?

News Article
"The San Diego County Department of Environmental Health has closed a section of Ocean Beach due to a sewage spill.
Environmental Health Department officials closed Dog Beach in OB because of a nearly 15,000-gallon sewage spill."
(to continue click here

Issue with this article is the sewage spill caused the beach to be shut down, or at lease dangerous for anyone to swim in. This is a problem leading into other problems because it is hard for people to be aware of the harmful things spilt in the ocean if they do not check the news and updates on the beaches before they go.
This relates to What were doing in humanities cause we can help solve some of these problems with getting the word out and letting people know what is going on and how and why it is not safe to be in the water in a more effective and efficient way.

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