Friday, September 4, 2009

American Icon ideas.

Maya Angelou.
Possible Resources:

Her website has all of her books a biography of her life, quotes from her and also information about her past and what she plans to do in the future. This is her Official Website so everything here is a reliable source to use when writing my paper.

Books: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
This is a very important autobiography on Maya Angelou's life. Through the book she tells us a story of her past. This book will help me relate me and Maya Angelou in a more factual way providing evidence making the connection more personal.

Films/Media: I know why a Cage Bird Sings, Poetic Justice, Down in the Delta, The Black candle.
Maya Angelou has Four different films with her involvement in them. There are 2 movies made from her autobiographies and 2 movies directed and narrated by her. This further proves my point of the level of success she has reached and how she continues to inspire me.
Films are easy to get a hold of and can be very informational.

Possible Resources:

On her website there is information about the different funds and programs she has organized. If I decide to connect her giving spirit through her foundations this would be a helpful site for resources.

She has Up close: Oprah Winfrey by Ilene Cooper,Oprah Winfrey I don't believe in Failure by Robin Westen, and also The Oprah Phenomenon by Jennifer Harris and many more.

Any one of these books would be good for me to use information out of them. they are all biographies, meaning the have important facts about Oprah's life and personal experiences that i could link back to myself and connection with her.

6. Interviews/Podcast:
Oprah has her own talk show on television where i could use specific quotes and information off of. This would be a good resource because it is a more reliable resources since it is coming from her mouth herself.
another good resource would be interviews that she has done, there are tons of them on you tube and also on the Internet to look up and get information from that would help with the facts about Oprah's life.

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