Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog 10:Whats the deal with reconstruction?

What's the deal with Reconstruction?

After the Civil war the north was trying to reconstruct the south and make it part of the union again. But the South rebelled against it because they didn't want to be part of the union again.

What is/was Reconstruction? What went well? What went poorly?

The president at the time which was Andrew Johnson, sent democrats to the south to help it be retrained as a uion after the Civil war. The problem with this is that the people he sent were federlist, who didnt truley believe in the changes and rules they were suppose to be enforceing. This leading to the whole point of them being there pointless.

Why is it relevant today?

This was the begining where most of our problems that we are facing today dealing with conflicts and rascisum in the south can connect back to. I see it as the concrete of inequality being set in, since the reconstruction period the civil war just continued in a more invisable way.

Connect the basic history of Reconstruction with a modern issue, as found (and cited and excerpted from a modern news story)

Rep. Joe Wilson shocked many observers Wednesday night when he shouted, "You lie!" after the president denied that health care legislation would provide free coverage for illegal immigrants.

Click link below for more of the article(

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