Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bog #6: American Icons Reflection part 1

Answer each of the following... Be sure to have a copy of each of your drafts with you.

1. What did you discover about your writing during this project?
One thing I noticed while doing this project is that i use a lot of "ing" words when I am trying to tell a story. Since we did this project and Randy showed us new techniques I have learned a way to change "ing" words in to a activating verb. This made my writing flow a little better. My writing is also not as structhered as i would like it to be, i didnt really over come this delemia but this project helped it not be as bad as it was.

2. Identify and describe (at least) one specific writing technique that you used. How did you use it? What effect did it have on your writing?
I tried using the Loop when writing my Artistic Statement, Started my statement off with a scene that was from the nowish past which was 8th grade, next I took my audience deeper into the message i was trying to portrey, My connection with Maya Angelou. Last i finished my statement with a quote that relates to the beginning connecting my intro with my outro. This improved my paper and also made it more focused and not so all over the place.

3. If you had time for one more draft, what would you do?
I would go over my draft with someone in the class that considers themselfs as a good writer, so that they could help me turn my paragraphs into storys without taking out the needed information because that was a problem in my 2nd draft.

4. Copy one sentence that you believe is well-written and/or important to your overall piece. What makes it stand out to you?

You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies; you may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I'll rise.” This quote along with many others has inspired the direction my life is going in.

I choose this line because it was the last sentence in my intro. To me the last line in a first paragraph in a paper is very important its like the last chance the author has to grasp the readers attention

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