Thursday, October 29, 2009

Honors Novel

Huckleberry fin is a novel about a young boy name Huck who was adopted by a woman name widow Douglas and Miss Watson. Huck’s real father re-appears demanding custody of him. Pap Huck’s real father kidnaps his son locks him in a cabin and excessively beats him every night he gets drunk. Fed up with the beatings and scared for his life Huck fakes his death and runs away from his father.
Huck shows uncivilized free and wild thinking by expressing courage sincerity and the ability to do the right thing.

In the beginning of the book Huck needed a way out of his father’s drunken rage. So he fakes his death, spreading pig blood from which he had slaughtered himself throughout the cabin. He ran away to Jackson’s Island in the middle of the Mississippi river where he waited a few days while the town’s people looked through out the river for his body. This shows Huck’s courage and strength by using uncivilized free and wild thinking.

“We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness. It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking up at the stars,”
While on Jackson island Huck runs into miss Watson’s slave who has ran away to avoid being sold into another plantation far away from his family where the living conditions would have been unbearable. Huck and Jim become a team and look out for one another. Huck knows the consequences for helping a runaway slave but because of his sincerity and uncivilized free and wild thinking Huck doesn’t allow society stop him from doing what is right.

“What's the use you learning to do right, when it's troublesome to do right and ain't no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same” Huck and Jim rescue two men from armed Bandits, later learning they were two con artists. The two men pretended to be the brothers of a man name peter to collect his inheritance money after hearing stories about Peter’s death. Huck interferes by stealing Peters gold from the men and stashing it in peters coffin and exposing the two men to Peter oldest sister. This is a good example of Huck’s ability to do the right thing by using his uncivilized free and wild thinking.

These are three examples that show Huck’s courage sincerity and ability to do the right thing throughout the book. The events taken place through out Huckleberry Fin would not have been successful if Huck didn't use uncivilized thinking such as faking his death, Wild thinking by stealing the gold from the two cons men and doing the right thing by helping the black slave Jim, he would have never accomplished the message to do whats right rather than what society tells you to do would.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


What lessons did you learn from the Industrialization Newspaper that you carry forward into the MSB project?
Cratique is something that i would take most from this project when going over some of the errors in class they were simple things that another draft or maybe another crituque could have easily fixed. This shows me that i need to step it up on my crutiquing process maybe good one more draft or multiple people to correct my draft before turning in a final. Also helping others when crituquing making sure i give them the best feedback to my ability.

Write a reflective piece in which you identify specific things, content, skills, or habits that you will address in MSB as a response to your experience with the newspaper project.

Since doing the newspaper project the main thing i learned that i can take on to my msb project is to be independt even when working on a group project. That anytime i am giving a assignement rather it be group work or team work that i need to apply myself effiecently and work my hardest.I also learned how to use my recourse during this project, My part aside from doing my artcile was to make the map. I didnt understand fully how to make that particular map so i asked my classmate to help me, that wasnt his part of the project and he did have to stop his part and help me but i learned that if you ask in a respectable and time consuming way than your classmates can help you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog #17

Blog #17: MSB people, groups & orgs!


Think Blue:
This is a pollution prevention program that has meetings throughout the year that discuss different problems in San Diego county and how they can reduce the percentage of pollution happening.
it would be a good add in if i interviewed maybe a representative from the program that can explain a little more in detail what they do in there program how its helping San Diego's water quality, and ways that people that are now aware can get involved.

Coast keeper:
This is a organization that does water quality test and maintaining, the also organize groups to get them aware our water pollution and the things that are causing them it also gives suggestions as to how we can reduce the pollution.
Interviewing them is something that could be time efficient and good to add into my video. Coast keeper is familiar with this particular project so it would be easy to get the interview quick and informational.

Reducing Marine Engine Pollution:
This organization is tied into exactly what my project is based on, they do a lot of testing as to what jet ski's and motorboats add to our water pollution. They have test and facts and other things representing the pollution in a clear and informational way.
This would be good because i can base some of my research and facts and statistics off of this organization because they are actually doing this in the field.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Honors Article 2

Is William McKinley fit to be president?
Jasmine Jackson

“The people of this country mean to maintain the financial honor of the country as sacredly as they maintain the honor of the flag.”

Candidate McKinley is unfit to rule our country because of bad judgment, poor calls and unawareness. McKinley believes that he can crush labor strikes by law if possible and by force if necessary. McKinley was one of the last veteran’s left standing during the American Civil war, which should be a clear showcase on his opinion on war and slavery.

The McKinley tariff was recently signed setting the average rate for imports to the United States a 48.4% which protected manufacturers. Bringing a new trouble to local farmers who are forced to buy high priced protected products from America making farmers have to sell our own products into a highly unprotected world of markets. Because of the McKinley tariff was another contribution to our country’s economy problem that looks more than challenging to get out of.

Since the McKinley tariff we have had major strikes and violent rages due to the depression of our economy. Workers began to rebel against label conditions. In 1893 during the panic attack we began to blame the effects on the silver purchase act. But is it safe to blame one hundred percent on? Some may question William McKinley’s thoughts on the strikes.

Republicans such as McKinley and others like him seems to have a routine way of solving reoccurring problems which include scapegoats and war. McKinley is also using massive amounts of money on his campaign. “This year is going to be a year of patriotism and devotion to country.”

“I am glad to know that the people in every part of the country mean to be devoted to one flag, the glorious Stars and Stripes.” McKinley believes in, enslavement supporting the enslavement of blacks in the south. He also supported the US soldiers attacking at Wounded Knee killing over 300 men, women, and children, to collect there land for US goods. He is willing to destroy other countries for the well being of our own. Is if fair for another country to suffer because of US problems within its self?

Another problem we must look at is the coal strike of the Midwest and mid Atlantic.
Following by the nation wide railroad strike shutting down our nation’s transportation system west of Detroit for two weeks.

Last year the gold reserve of the United States was depleted, leaving 26 New York City banks with $129 million in gold. A group of bankers lead by J. P. Morgan & Company, August Belmont & Company, the National City Bank, and others offered to exchange gold with the government for bonds, President Grover Cleveland agreed, the bankers immediately began to resale bonds at a higher price making a $18 million profit.
McKinley supported President Grover and many of the choices that he made, including this particular one of them. This leads me to continue that McKinley does not make the best calls in order to help the economy of our country.

Blog 16

From Janae's Scrapbook idea blog post, I realized that you can pick something different and sort of outside the box in to do your media save the beach project.I originally planed to do a video for my how do jet ski's effect the water quality project, but the scrapbook idea seems like something fun excited and would be a good idea to look more into. From taking a look at Janae's ideas it has helped me make my ideas more creative and sort of my own, I want to make my video stand out from the rest by making it unique but educational.
( Link to Janae's blog.

From Corey's Website idea, I realized that I can also do a website. He used last years website of media saves the beach and used it as a example. I thought this was smart because they already did the same project so it would be a good idea to refer back to some of the ideas already thrown out there last year. what I took from Corey's idea was that for my project maybe I can incorporate more than one idea into my video and make it more eye pleasing and fun to look at. What I mean by that is I can make a video and showcase it by a cool flash website.
( Link to Corey's blog.

From Nikita's Art Piece idea I realized that I can do something artistic that would be fun to do, creative and could come out a real sucess. My jet ski/motorboat idea would be something that could be a real success if it is voiced and presented good. I like the artistic idea for it because its something that could catch the audiences eye if it turns out good.

( to Nikita's blog.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog 15

Post two different ideas of final products that you might be interested in making. For each one, do the following:

1. Write a sentence describing the final product (such as, "A documentary video that addresses the question....")

I would like to make a documentary video that addresses the question How do motorboats/ jet skis effect San Diego's water quality?

2. Post an example of a professional or other high-level product that could serve as a basis for your work.

3. List three specific ideas that you can take from your example to lead you to a high quality product. Write specifically how you will apply these ideas to your work here. Be as clear, exact & specific as you can!

-I liked how in the first video it had a specific time line showing how Mercedes Benz improved over time. I would take this idea and put it towards my jet ski/motorboat video and show how it got worse over time.

-What I liked about the 2nd video is how it told a story without words, and how he filmed the wildlife. I could most definitly use this for my project when showing how the water quality effects the wildlife.

-The 3rd video was straight video no words. I liked this for my project because it seems like it would come out more powerful if my video had limited words and a lot of videos and pictures so the audience themselves can witness whats going on as if they were there themselves.I also like how the music set the theme for how you should be feeling.

Blog 14

Narrow your potential MSB questions down to one that might work for you. Then, do the following:

1. Post the main question.
How do motorboats/ jet skis effect water quality?

2. Post at least three sub questions that relate to the main question, help you answer it, might generate interesting research or resources, address part of the issue, could help you if you get stuck, etc.

-What can we do to reduce the effects?
-Why is it important to reduce the effects?
-Are there possible solutions we can create to stop there effects on water quality?

3. Post at least three potentially useful resources. These could be news stories, videos, photography, etc.

4. Write a few sentences or make a list of ideas that you got from your resources that could help move your project forward. How can you apply this information? How might it work for you?
- The last resourced listed is a Eco friendly organization that helps with jet ski' and boat pollution."promotes policy changes in government and industry to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and eradicate other root causes of air and water pollution, global warming, and habitat destruction. Also leads campaigns to protect National Parks from jetskis, snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles, and to prevent environmental damage from pollution caused by ferries, cruise ships, and other large vessels." This can help move my project along by interviewing some of the people invoked with the hands on testing and who see what they are doing to our water quality personally.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Optional Assignment:

Optional assignment: 15 points, based on completion. Due Tuesday at the beginning of class. Post the following to your blog before class starts on Tuesday of this week:
1. Find out the basic history of a specific industrial, real estate or park development in San Diego County. List the facts that outline the basic history (who, what, where, when, why/how).
-built to help the enconamy with jobs
-Near OceanRanch in ocean side.
-Gateway built it
-built in 2006

2. Post a photograph, map or artist's representation of the development you chose.

3. Then explain a current issue that involves the development you chose—what's going on now and why should we know about it?
A lot of busniess and buildings are being built around this same building. Since the Gateway park has been put up over 4 buildings have been built around it killing off more of our natural resources and contributing to pollution by company buildings.

4. Post an excerpt from—and link to—a relevant story, photo essay, video, podcast, news clip or similar media that expands our knowledge of the development or area you chose.

Ten years ago we didn't have to worry about driving in heavy traffic during rush hours. We could just cruise on down to wherever we wanted to go with no hassles. Now it's like you are in a quagmire. During rush hour, there is bumper to bumper traffic for miles, and you just inch along at a snail's pace to your destination. This traffic problem is mainly caused by the constant building of new residential areas in San Diego. In fact, San Diego County is one of the most pro-development counties in the nation. San Diego used to be filled with rolling hills, mountains, and coastlines, but now many of our hills are blasted into a flatter area of land with skeletons of homes being built upon them. All of these new people and their cars that are moving in are a major factor in our air pollution problem. Now, on some mornings, you will wake up to a bright and sunny day and look out towards the horizon and see a brown haze blanketing the sky. What happened?

The more and more cars that come to San Diego means the more and more houses and more importantly jobs San Diego has to supply. For people to have jobs they have to work in buildings and industries, which need land to be built on. By building these structures not only do we destroy different ecosystems but these buildings give off pollution as well, adding to our ever rising pollution problem.

We will share these at the start class on Tuesday.

Full article(

Blog # 12

Blog #12: Industrialization and Coastal Environments
Post and excerpt from a recent news story about issues stemming from industrialization and our local coastal environment. Then, answer the following questions:

Organic mulches also improve the condition of the soil. As these mulches slowly decompose, they provide organic matter which helps keep the soil loose. This improves root growth, increases the infiltration of water, and also improves the water-holding capacity of the soil. Organic matter is a source of plant nutrients and provides an ideal environment for earthworms and other beneficial soil organisms.
website Url(

1. What is the issue, controversy or event in the story? What are the basic facts?
There telling you a way to have a healthily garden but also have a Eco friendly garden. A lot of the fertilizer that we put in our water gets washed into the oceans by rain/ water shed.

2. What information is missing from the story?
There's nothing really missing, i think they could have added more detail into why it is important to do your garden this way rather than the other, to make the reader more engaged and willing to change over.

3. What would be your next steps if you were creating a follow up to this story?
By finding different things other than garden organist but also the fertilizer that we use to help our grass grow.I would find a way to make the grass grow just as well as the fertilizer but organically.

Media Saves the Beach.

List at least three questions that interest you for Media Saves the Beach! For each question, provide a little context, so we know where your thoughts are headed, why you thought of it, what you might do to answer it, etc.

1.Does sewage spills effect water life?

2.How do motorboats/ jet skis effect water quality?

3.What does water testing do to lower water pollution?

These were the main three questions that stuck with me the most.The first one came to me because I know after a while the water life begin to adapt to the different bacteria's and if there is constant water spillage then after a while would it stop effecting them?
The motorboat and jet ski one, because there are tons of jet ski's and water toys on the beaches and waters daily, I personally ride them and own two so I would like to know there contribution to water pollution.
The last question is something that is just a general question. how do we do something about the results of the water from testing them?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Honors Novel Essay 1.

Jasmine Jackson
Push is a novel written in 1996 about a 16 year old African American girl, faced with many ethnic, cultural, and troublesome obstacles that make her question her identity in society, but also help her find who she was destine to be.Throughout this novel the overall message as a whole is to overcome your worst problems, and make them your best, you have the option of choosing your identity in society.

“I have been out of the picture so long I am used to it, but that don’t’ mean that it don’t hurt. Sometimes I pass by store window and somebody fat dark skin old looking, someone looking like my muver looks back at me.” Precious Jones, grew up in the harsh streets of Harlem. Precious was a born to a women name Mary L Johnson, Born in Green Wood Mississippi and A man name Carl Kenwood Jones born in the Bronx. Precious had her first baby at the age 12, and her second one by the age of 16, both by her farther Carl. Her mother blames her for her father “having sex” with her, Mary also despises her daughter for being a “Hot-Trot” and treats her almost less than nothing.
Mary finds any possible way to make her daughters life miserable, horrible insults, physical and sexual abuse, etc. At twelve Precious first baby came out with Down syndrome. This confirmed what she had been told all her life, she was stupid. “Maybe I was stupid, if my baby came out stupid.” This leads Precious to begin to try and find her true identity, hoping that it is something more than her mothers, and something greater than just being uneducated.Instead of being discouraged by her mothers cruel behavior she used her harsh words and turn them into inspiration helping her find her true identity.

As a child being at home was not the only place that Precious searched for her identity. “I really do want to learn. Everyday I tell myself something gonna happen some shit like on TV. I’m gonna break through or somebody gonna break through me im gonna learn to be normal change my seat to the front of the class but again it has not been that day.” Since second grade Precious has had problems in class, learning for her was always more difficult then most kids her age. She would sit in the back of the class room, silently, she never left from her seat from the moment she arrived at school until it was time to leave. The teacher thought she was mentally ill, or embarrassed because she would always pee on herself. Eventually her teacher began to ignore her, when all she needed was special attention. This began to add to Precious feelings about what her true identity was. Instead of giving up on her education she used this memory to push her through when trying to get a better education. Turning this negative thing in her life and using it to find her identity.

At age 16 she was diagnosed with the HIV virus given to her by her father. This is another collision that was keeping Precious from being able to find her purpose in life and who she truly was. Every time she began to take a step forward in life something drastic happen this set her back, making it hard for her to find herself. Yet precious turned this tragedy into something good, using it as a stepping stool to continue to find who she truly was.

Although everything that Precious has been through, the rape, the virus, the physical and sexual abuse, the education disadvantages, she still finds multiple ways to escape what society has made her out to be. Precious enters an alternative school where she meets other troubled girls and, begins to get inspired and cheered on by a devoted teacher, who helps her learn to read and write. In the school she makes friends with a girl named Rita, and a Hispanic girl who witnessed her father murder her mother which leads her to foster care, being raped, and drugs, because of the similar stories Rita becomes one of Precious best friends.

Befriending Rita, allowed her to be swayed into joining a HIV prevention program telling her story to many women in the same situation inspiring her to inspire others similar to her. She finally begins to find her identity from all of the problems she has been faced with. Overcoming her worst problems allowed her to choose her own identity in society.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cites: Civil War Article

"Ex-Miss. deputy charged in ’64 deaths - Race & ethnicity-" Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- 28 Sep. 2009 .

Horwitz, Tony. Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War. New York: Vintage, 1999.

McElrath, Jessica. "Nat Turner's Rebellion ." African-American History. 5 Oct. 2009 .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Honors Civil War Article.

Jasmine Jackson
Did The Civil War affect Modern America?
During mid January 1995 David Westerman, a 19 year old white graduate of a high school in Guthrie, Kentucky was killed by a gunshot to the heart by four young black males. Freddy Morrow, Damien Darden and Tony Andrews, all age 17, and Marcus Merriweather age 15. Westerman had a confederate flag flying on the bed of his truck the day that he was killed, many think this provoked the shooting.
When 15 year old Marcus Merriweather was interviewed he told reporters that “he saw the flag as a symbol of slavery.” Some say the flag on Westerman truck was simply a symbol of the Guthrie High School mascot The Rebels and had no real connection to the Civil war. If this was the case why was Marcs Merriweather an African American male offended by the flag? Why would this symbol be connected to the violent act?
The Confederate flag along with groups formed around the Civil war such as The KKK, are seen as one of the many things connecting to the civil war, which is leading to violent acts carried out in modern America. This brings me to the question did The Civil War truly end in 1865 or was it the beginning of modern America racist violence?
During the American Civil war one of the things the south fought for was being able to have a federalist country, continue slavery, and have complete control over African Americans. The Civil War had a result of 620,000 soldiers dead and an undetermined number of civilian injuries.
Before the Civil war, when African Americans were enslaved they were automatically a victim of violence rather it be from their owners or any other white man or women. Many slaves rebelled against the “superior race” but many were too scared to fight back. Nat Turner a abolitionist killed many whites because they abused slaves. Turner led a group called revolt that helped him kill slave owners for owning and abusing slaves. Turner was one of the few African American slaves that fought against the whites before the civil war.
Since the civil war ended there have been multiple acts of violence over some of the same things that were being fault for in 1865. It seems as if the civil war helped African Americans be able to stand up and “fight” for what they feel is right. Marcus Meriwether felt offended by the symbol that was used against his people during the war, so he did as he was showed in the past and used violence to solve his conflict, Shooting and killing Mr. Westerman. If the civil war had not happen I would see it rather hard for this conflict to even be a problem. Let’s take this situation and place it in the 1830’s before the civil war had begun. Mr. Westerman would have never been shot because he would have had complete control over Marcus Merriweather, Mr. Merriweather wouldn’t have attacked Mr. Westerman because it was something he expected a white male to do, disrespect him. The Civil War taught Marcus that he should stand up for what he feels is right by using violence.

In June of 2007, 72-year-old James Ford Seale was convicted of federal charges of kidnapping and conspiracy for the deaths of Charles Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee, two 19-year-olds who disappeared from Franklin County in May 1964. Seale was arrested after Charles Marcus Edwards, a confessed Klansman, who received prosecution for his role in the abductions, testified. He said the two boys were beaten, then bound with weights and thrown alive in the Mississippi River. The Klansman suspected the two boys of being involved in civil rights activity in 1964 which was not accepted by whites during this time. James Seale and Charles Edwards were part of a Para military group named the Ku Klux Klan formed after the civil war in 1865.

he Civil War is said to be over but is still being fought invisibly today, whites who feel that the war should have ended differently are still using violent acts to get the enemies(referring to anyone against their ideas) attention, such as Charles Edwards and James Seale abductions and killings. Same goes for African Americans like Marcus Merriweather fighting a war that his ancestors thought was over.