Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Honors Article 2

Is William McKinley fit to be president?
Jasmine Jackson

“The people of this country mean to maintain the financial honor of the country as sacredly as they maintain the honor of the flag.”

Candidate McKinley is unfit to rule our country because of bad judgment, poor calls and unawareness. McKinley believes that he can crush labor strikes by law if possible and by force if necessary. McKinley was one of the last veteran’s left standing during the American Civil war, which should be a clear showcase on his opinion on war and slavery.

The McKinley tariff was recently signed setting the average rate for imports to the United States a 48.4% which protected manufacturers. Bringing a new trouble to local farmers who are forced to buy high priced protected products from America making farmers have to sell our own products into a highly unprotected world of markets. Because of the McKinley tariff was another contribution to our country’s economy problem that looks more than challenging to get out of.

Since the McKinley tariff we have had major strikes and violent rages due to the depression of our economy. Workers began to rebel against label conditions. In 1893 during the panic attack we began to blame the effects on the silver purchase act. But is it safe to blame one hundred percent on? Some may question William McKinley’s thoughts on the strikes.

Republicans such as McKinley and others like him seems to have a routine way of solving reoccurring problems which include scapegoats and war. McKinley is also using massive amounts of money on his campaign. “This year is going to be a year of patriotism and devotion to country.”

“I am glad to know that the people in every part of the country mean to be devoted to one flag, the glorious Stars and Stripes.” McKinley believes in, enslavement supporting the enslavement of blacks in the south. He also supported the US soldiers attacking at Wounded Knee killing over 300 men, women, and children, to collect there land for US goods. He is willing to destroy other countries for the well being of our own. Is if fair for another country to suffer because of US problems within its self?

Another problem we must look at is the coal strike of the Midwest and mid Atlantic.
Following by the nation wide railroad strike shutting down our nation’s transportation system west of Detroit for two weeks.

Last year the gold reserve of the United States was depleted, leaving 26 New York City banks with $129 million in gold. A group of bankers lead by J. P. Morgan & Company, August Belmont & Company, the National City Bank, and others offered to exchange gold with the government for bonds, President Grover Cleveland agreed, the bankers immediately began to resale bonds at a higher price making a $18 million profit.
McKinley supported President Grover and many of the choices that he made, including this particular one of them. This leads me to continue that McKinley does not make the best calls in order to help the economy of our country.

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