Thursday, October 29, 2009

Honors Novel

Huckleberry fin is a novel about a young boy name Huck who was adopted by a woman name widow Douglas and Miss Watson. Huck’s real father re-appears demanding custody of him. Pap Huck’s real father kidnaps his son locks him in a cabin and excessively beats him every night he gets drunk. Fed up with the beatings and scared for his life Huck fakes his death and runs away from his father.
Huck shows uncivilized free and wild thinking by expressing courage sincerity and the ability to do the right thing.

In the beginning of the book Huck needed a way out of his father’s drunken rage. So he fakes his death, spreading pig blood from which he had slaughtered himself throughout the cabin. He ran away to Jackson’s Island in the middle of the Mississippi river where he waited a few days while the town’s people looked through out the river for his body. This shows Huck’s courage and strength by using uncivilized free and wild thinking.

“We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness. It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking up at the stars,”
While on Jackson island Huck runs into miss Watson’s slave who has ran away to avoid being sold into another plantation far away from his family where the living conditions would have been unbearable. Huck and Jim become a team and look out for one another. Huck knows the consequences for helping a runaway slave but because of his sincerity and uncivilized free and wild thinking Huck doesn’t allow society stop him from doing what is right.

“What's the use you learning to do right, when it's troublesome to do right and ain't no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same” Huck and Jim rescue two men from armed Bandits, later learning they were two con artists. The two men pretended to be the brothers of a man name peter to collect his inheritance money after hearing stories about Peter’s death. Huck interferes by stealing Peters gold from the men and stashing it in peters coffin and exposing the two men to Peter oldest sister. This is a good example of Huck’s ability to do the right thing by using his uncivilized free and wild thinking.

These are three examples that show Huck’s courage sincerity and ability to do the right thing throughout the book. The events taken place through out Huckleberry Fin would not have been successful if Huck didn't use uncivilized thinking such as faking his death, Wild thinking by stealing the gold from the two cons men and doing the right thing by helping the black slave Jim, he would have never accomplished the message to do whats right rather than what society tells you to do would.

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