Monday, October 12, 2009

Optional Assignment:

Optional assignment: 15 points, based on completion. Due Tuesday at the beginning of class. Post the following to your blog before class starts on Tuesday of this week:
1. Find out the basic history of a specific industrial, real estate or park development in San Diego County. List the facts that outline the basic history (who, what, where, when, why/how).
-built to help the enconamy with jobs
-Near OceanRanch in ocean side.
-Gateway built it
-built in 2006

2. Post a photograph, map or artist's representation of the development you chose.

3. Then explain a current issue that involves the development you chose—what's going on now and why should we know about it?
A lot of busniess and buildings are being built around this same building. Since the Gateway park has been put up over 4 buildings have been built around it killing off more of our natural resources and contributing to pollution by company buildings.

4. Post an excerpt from—and link to—a relevant story, photo essay, video, podcast, news clip or similar media that expands our knowledge of the development or area you chose.

Ten years ago we didn't have to worry about driving in heavy traffic during rush hours. We could just cruise on down to wherever we wanted to go with no hassles. Now it's like you are in a quagmire. During rush hour, there is bumper to bumper traffic for miles, and you just inch along at a snail's pace to your destination. This traffic problem is mainly caused by the constant building of new residential areas in San Diego. In fact, San Diego County is one of the most pro-development counties in the nation. San Diego used to be filled with rolling hills, mountains, and coastlines, but now many of our hills are blasted into a flatter area of land with skeletons of homes being built upon them. All of these new people and their cars that are moving in are a major factor in our air pollution problem. Now, on some mornings, you will wake up to a bright and sunny day and look out towards the horizon and see a brown haze blanketing the sky. What happened?

The more and more cars that come to San Diego means the more and more houses and more importantly jobs San Diego has to supply. For people to have jobs they have to work in buildings and industries, which need land to be built on. By building these structures not only do we destroy different ecosystems but these buildings give off pollution as well, adding to our ever rising pollution problem.

We will share these at the start class on Tuesday.

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